Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tonsillectomy Recvery Day Two

Well today the pain was about the same as yesterday. I have progressed up to scrambled eggs and potato soup but don't want to venture out much further then that since the throat is way sore.

I've learned a few more things about what went down after my surgery. Apparently the nurses kept asking what my pain was on a scale of one to ten and I kept saying a four and a three. What was wrong with me? Oh yeah I was doped up on medicine!!

The doctor told my mom that my tonsils were so inflamed and that there was so much extra blood going to them that I need to be extra careful and when he squeezed one of the tonsils, it oozed with bacteria which is why I kept getting sick. I am so glad to have these infected things out of my body. I did notice a little snoring/vibrations going on today which is a first for me I think. I never noticed my snoring before and no one has ever mentioned it to me either.

I've spent 90% of my day in bed but I did get up and take a shower. And on the plus side, look at this cute little thing I got to nap with today!! This is Hershey!
My nephews stopped by again today and the oldest, Garrett, asked my what was wrong with my voice. I was like seriously Garrett I had my tonsils out just like you did!! Crazy Boy!!

I will be all alone tomorrow. My mom goes back to school and my sister will be at work. There will be no one to take care of me. :-( I wish I had a pool to relax in, I could just float around all day soaking up the sun.

xoxo, am&a lynn

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