Sunday, March 10, 2013

From B to Z

Big News - I got married on Friday. It was just a small ceremony with our close and available family attending, a total of 12 people attending including myself and Anthony.

I chose this day so that next year on the same date we can have a ceremony and a reception with all of our family and friends.

My nephews had to be the ring bearers because Garrett said I was ruining his life by not having a wedding and letting him carry the rings. So I had all three boys hold one of the rings as we got married.

Then we all went out to eat and afterwards I went home and took a nap and Anthony washed his clothes and went to work. I know fun wedding night right lol!

But we are about to get our house and Anthony couldn't request time off because he will be using that when Baby Amelia comes, who will hopefully be here in 4-5 weeks.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013

Well it's a new year and my promises for this year look a lot like the ones from last year. I did manage to put a little bit of money aside and worked on my debt. And we should close on our house towards the end of January.
Let me catch you up on what's happened in 2012...

On Christmas night Anthony proposed.

We found out we are having a baby girl in mid April.

This is Amelia Rose Zema.

My 2013 Promises

I promise to find a career that I can be proud of and enjoy.
I promise to put aside as much money as I can afford for rainy days.
I promise to erase as much of my debt as I possibly can.
I promise to be happier with myself.
I promise to wake up and walk/run every day that I can so I can be a healthier weight in 2014.
I promise write more. It is what I want to do with my life after all.
I promise to read more.

So 2012 has been an exciting and wonderful year for me. And I hope 2013 will be just as wonderful.

xoxo, am&a lynn

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