Thursday, January 26, 2012

Finally I am Beautiful

For the first time in my life, I can look into a mirror and actually like what I am seeing. For so long I was surrounded by negativity in my life from people I thought cared about me. With this new decade came a realization that I am beautiful and anyone who does not see that does not really know me or deserve to be part of my life. It's all about how you perceive yourself that makes you happy.

Sure I still have flaws but they don't matter anymore. I love myself, flaws and all. For it's my flaws that make me who I am.

This song is called Flawz by Caitlin Crosby. I hope you will embrace your flaws just as I have begun to embrace mine.

xoxo, am&a lynn

1 comment:

  1. Let me assure you, you ARE beautiful!

    - A secret admirer who will always remain secret.


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