I feel as though the worst of the pain is behind me. I'm still taking my pain medicine regularly. And although the pain is decreasing, I am still having a hard time swallowing and the heartburn is not helping my throat much. I hate riding in cars because it makes me sick and I've only left my house twice. I've gone through cases of cold sweats and keep getting dizzy in the shower. After reading stories online I think my experience is nothing compared to some people out there. I would rate my pain no higher than a 6 and I've had cases of strep that was an 11 sometimes. Of course the medicine is keeping me asleep for about 18 hours a day. Unfortunately it's at the wrong time. I sleep all day and am awake for most of the night and even though I take the medicine at night its like it wants me to stay awake and get heartburn and crave foods I still don't have the throat to eat yet. It does seem as though I have most of my strength at night instead of during the day. I am out of jello and soup and don't feel like cooking this late at night when my mom is sleeping and waking her up. I REALLY WANT A DIET DR. PEPPER TOO!! I haven't had one since the Monday before the surgery. I always though that was what gave my heartburn, guess not.
On the plus side, I have cleaned out over 40+ hours on my DVR. I've caught up on Pan Am, Grimm, Eureka, Unforgettable, and a few other random shows and movies that I had taped. I will be starting Once Upon a Time tomorrow.
There are times when I think I am ready to go back to work but then I get to thinking do I really want to? and of course the answer is no! I wish I didn't have to work anymore. I need to be someone's trophy wife! Any takers? I am out of money though and am still trying to decide if I want to pick up a Sunday morning possibly night shift too. I won't be able to take my medicine though. So I guess I won't be working!! :-)
xoxo, am&a lynn ♥
I often feel like I need to find somebody that I can be there trophy wife too!! I HATE working haha